Physics Equipment Evaluations

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Fluoroscopic Equipment Testing

Annually, Therapy Physics tests more than 600 fluoroscopic units throughout Southern California. Our services include a thorough assessment of patient entrance exposures, kVp accuracy, image quality, and radiation safety. We will help to establish your weekly fluoro QA program and review it annually. Our use of the newest and most advanced detection equipment saves time in the room, causing as little disturbance to your busy schedule as possible.

Ultrasound Accreditation Testing

As the ACR ultrasound and breast ultrasound programs have been evolving recently, Therapy Physics has been providing services in support of the accreditation requirements for these programs. New requirements require physics testing annually by a qualified medical physicist and all of our physicists are fully qualified to perform ultrasound physics testing.

Mammography Testing

Annually, Therapy Physics provides physics services to more than 100 mammography centers and more than 200 mammography units. We have experience with all makes and models, everything from those last few remaining film screen units to the newest digital Breast tomosynthesis units. All mammography equipment evaluations include a thorough evaluation of the equipment to ensure compliance with all regulations, patient dose requirements, and image quality specifications. Our use of the newest and most advanced detection equipment saves time in the room, causing as little disturbance to your busy schedule as possible.

Radiographic Equipment Testing

Annually, Therapy Physics tests more than 500 radiographic units throughout Southern California. Our services include a thorough evaluation of patient entrance exposures, kVp accuracy, image quality, and patient safety. Our use of the newest and most advanced detection equipment saves time in the room, causing as little disturbance to your busy schedule as possible.

Dental Radiographic Testing

Medical Physics testing of dental radiographic units not only helps to ensure proper patient exposures, but also proper radiation safety of the operator. We have extensive experience with all intraoral and panoramic dental xray units.

Digital Tomosynthesis Testing

All physicists with Therapy Physics are fully qualified to test all the new Digital Breast Tomosynthesis units currently on the market. We have tested many Hologic Dimensions Tomosynthesis units, as well as the new GE Senoclaire Tomosynthesis system. We can provide guidance on the FDA MQSA Facility Certification Extension Program as well as State of California and ACR requirements for these new Breast Tomosynthesis units.

CT Accreditation Testing

Since 2012, Therapy Physics has provided physics services for more than 250 CT scanners that have successfully achieved Accreditation through the ACR Accreditation program. We annually test more than 250 CT scanners, including all the latest models from GE, Siemens, Philips, Toshiba, and Hitachi. All of our physicists have current continuing education and are experts at the ACR and IAC accreditation programs. In fact, we’re so confident in our abilities, that if you fail accreditation for any reason related to the physics phantom images, we’ll pay the resubmission fees.

MRI Accreditation Testing

Since 2012, Therapy Physics has provided the physics services for more than 150 MRI scanners accredited through the ACR accreditation program. Every year, we test a wide range of MRI scanners, from open 0.35T scanners to the most advanced 3.0T scanners. Many of our scanners are also accredited through the ACR Breast MRI accreditation program and all our annual evaluations meet the requirements of both the MRI and Breast MRI accreditation programs. All of our physicists have current continuing education and are experts at the ACR and IAC accreditation programs. In fact, we’re so confident in our abilities, if you fail accreditation for any reason related to the physics phantom images, we’ll pay the resubmission fee.

Nuclear Medicine and PET Accreditation Testing

We provide physics services for Nuclear Medicine departments including QC reviews, SPECT and Gamma Camera evaluations, as well as ACR testing for PET scanners.

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We provide MRI Safety Policy reviews as part of our MRI services. This includes guidance on MR Safety Policies for compliance with ACR Program Requirements.


We perform Gauss Surveys for MRI installations to ensure the magnetic fields in the surrounding areas are safe for patients and staff.

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Accreditation services

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The most recent Joint Commission accreditation requirements include annual physics testing for CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, and PET.  All of our testing procedures meet or exceed the requirements of the Joint Commission standards.  As leaders within the AAPM, our physicists have been active in helping to craft the requirements and have a keen awareness of the importance of the Joint Commission standards.

ACR Accreditation Program Expertise
ACR Accreditation Program Expertise
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IAC Accreditation Program Expertise
IAC Accreditation Program Expertise
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Joint Commission Preparedness Accreditation Services
Joint Commission Preparedness Accreditation Services
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Radiation Safety Services

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Consultation to Radiation Safety Officers and Radiation Safety Committees

All of our physicists have experience serving on Radiation Safety Committees, whether serving as Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) or as a consultant to the RSO, we can provide valuable insights and expertise to your radiation safety program.

Dose Reduction and Education

As part of the ongoing effort to reduce doses, we will work with your staff to optimize imaging protocols. Our physicists have extensive experience with the Image Gently, Image Wisely, and Step Lightly campaigns and can help you reduce patient doses across modalities. We also are available for continuing education programs to technologists and MDs.

Radiation Safety Evaluations for Compliance with State and Joint Commission Requirements

The new Joint Commission standards require an evaluation of the shielding integrity of any new or replacement equipment. Therapy Physics can perform this service at the time of acceptance testing of the new equipment to ensure the safety of your staff, the general public, and ensure compliance with Joint Commission standards.

Pregnancy Dose Calculations

Unfortunately, even when you follow all safeguards to prevent pregnant women from being imaged, occasionally, a CT scan acts as a positive pregnancy test. When this happens, we are able to work with you to simulate the exam and calculate the dose to the fetus. This important work can help to ease the fears of the mother-to-be and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken. This service is included as part of any annual physics evaluation: there are no extra fees for dose calculations or dose consultations.

Radiation Shielding Design

The staff at Therapy Physics works closely with their clients to streamline the radiation shielding design process to meet their clients’ needs. Our staff will act as the single point of contact for the entire project, and will personally vet architects, builders, designers, and building owners to design cost-effective shielding solutions that will ensure the safety of your staff and visitors. All shielding and design recommendations are completed in accordance with National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) reports, and are in compliance with applicable Local, State and Joint Commission requirements.

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american college of radiology
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine
American Society for Radiation Oncology
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