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While our valued clients are treating patients through radiation therapy, we are committed to protecting their staff with our radiation shielding. Whether installing new equipment or building a new facility, our experts provide comprehensive radiation shielding design plans and site-specific radiation protection programs for all types of installations.

Multiple-Energy Linear Accelerators

Our process for radiation shielding includes a realistic analysis of the shielding requirements for multiple energy linear accelerators.  Some experts will shield linear accelerators only assuming the maximum energy, rather than the range of energies that are used clinically.   Our approach uses a more realistic approach that helps to optimize the shielding requirements.

Direct Shielded Sliding Doors & Maze Swinging Doors

As space optimization is becoming more and more of a constraint, many facilities are choosing to eliminate the traditional maze design for a direct shielded door.  Therapy Physics developed new shielding techniques to help design and specify the systems to properly shield these direct doors.


The Tomotherapy system uses a high energy linear accelerator mounted on a ring gantry, much like a CT scanner, to deliver intensity modulated, highly precise radiation therapy.  Therapy Physics has performed the shielding design for a number of these systems.  Whether you are installing in an existing vault or building a new room, we have the expertise and experience to properly shield Tomotherapy systems.


The Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery system is capable of treating tumors anywhere in the body from any angle.  Because of the flexibility of this system, shielding these rooms can be very challenging.  Therapy Physics has performed the shielding design for a number of these systems.  We have the expertise and experience to properly shield the Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery system.


High Dose Rate Brachytherapy is becoming commonplace in radiation therapy and having a space optimized for these treatments is essential to the efficient workflow of an oncology center.  A dedicated room for HDR will have significantly lower shielding requirements than a traditional linear accelerator vault.  Our process for shielding these rooms optimizes both the space available and construction costs.

Proton Therapy, Cyclotrons, and Beam Transport Systems

Therapy Physics has been involved in a number of Proton Therapy projects, including UT Southwest, Scripps Proton Center, and Indonesia Proton Center.  No other group in the country has designed more of these projects.

Imaging Equipment

Therapy Physics provides full service shielding design for your entire radiation therapy center, including PET/CT, Nuclear Medicine, and CT Simulator suites.  We have years of experience with these designs and all our physicists are qualified to handle these projects.

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american college of radiology
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine
American Society for Radiation Oncology
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