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Shielding Projects

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Therapy Physics provides shielding design for projects for all medical applications of radiation, including Linear Accelerator and Proton Therapy vaults as well as HDR Brachytherapy, Tomotherapy, Cyberknife, Gamma Knife, and all Diagnostic modalities your facility may possess. Whether your project is for a major medical center or for a small outpatient facility,
we can provide the shielding design. No project is too big or too small. Our specialized team has successfully executed hundreds of radiation shielding designs across the United States and around the world.

Over the past 20 years, Therapy Physics has been at the forefront of developments in radiation shielding.  We designed one of the first linear accelerator vaults to include floor to ceiling windows to an outside garden at Sharp Chula Vista, we designed some of the first direct shielded doors that eliminated the need for a maze, allowing significantly smaller footprints for accelerator vaults, and we developed the shielding requirements for Cyberknife robotic radiosurgery units that are capable of targeted primary beams in any direction.  We have designed a number of the newest Proton Therapy facilities across the world, including the Scripps Proton Center in San Diego, the University of Maryland Proton Center, the Texas Southwest Proton Center,
and the Singapore Cancer Center.  

Therapy Physics can work with you to meet your needs. In conjunction with your architectural firm, we will design cost-effective shielding that will meet and exceed all state and federal radiation protection standards as defined by 10 CFR Part 20. In general, these designs principles are based on the applicable reports published by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). It is our goal to cater our designs customized to your facility, your firm, and most importantly, your patients. Call (310)217-4114 today for more information.”

Below you will find links to more information about particular projects.